⚠️ Super proud and grateful to announce ⚠️ as a part of the Platform Graduate Award by @cvan_se I have been selected by @mao_gallery to share my degree show artwork, 'Assorted Moments, 2023' from 19-29th OCT. ✨

'Assorted Moments, 2023' is a collection of ideas and memories. Layers of times and places from the past to the present. Pictured is a photograph of the centre-fold of my riso-graph printed and carefully hand-bound 'Artists' Book, 2023', in which I layer the items I brought from The Artist's home in California to Oxford. In this book, I archive, consider and realise these nostalgic moments in relationship to my present. In this centre-fold, you see childhood photographs in The Artist's home collaged alongside my drawings which are from one of the last times I was there. The 'Artists' Book, 2023.' is just one of many 'moments' in my show I am excited to share with you in this exhibition.

Alongside myself, @mao_gallery Modern Art Oxford will also be showcasing the brilliant work of:

Helen Kohl @studiohelenkohl from 21 SEPT - 1 OCT

and George Marrington @george_marrington from 5 - 15 OCT.

Please check out https://cvansoutheast.com/news/announcing-the-platform-graduate-award-2023/ to read more about @cvan_se (CVAN South East) and to view a list of other participating artists and galleries.