Big 20 [OVADA Gallery, 2024]

I exhibited three multimedia collages from my series Alien, Palmer, Tourist in OVADA Warehouse Gallery’s Big 20 Exhibition.

Alien, Palmer, Tourist is a multimedia collage series made from my collection of vintage postcards. Each postcard has their own surrealist story which can be listened to by a visitor through headphones as they view the collage.

Visitors listen to Alien, Palmer, Tourist in OVADA Gallery’s Big 20 exhibition.


This is a postcard which was sent from Loch Lomond in Scotland and recieved in London sometime in the 60's (I reckon). I've placed the 'mysterious lady floating on a flower' from another postcard into the scene and hidden the address on the back of postcard.

For my reimagined narrative and installation of this work, I've had the exceptional Julia Bisby narrate the soundscape as Jane's Mother and The mysterious lady and Jane is excellently played by Julia's daughter Flo. In the installation, the soundscape is played through headphones by which listeners can interact with the story.

This multimedia collage was shown at OVADA Gallery in Oxford, UK in May 2024.


This postcard had no writing on the back so I took artistic license when creating this soundscape. In the installation, the soundscape is played through headphones by which listeners can interact with the story.

This multimedia collage was shown at OVADA Gallery in Oxford, UK in May 2024.